(+389) 70357571 ; (+381) 641268715 ; (+381) 649820501 info@biomed.mk


Onco-hyperthermia is a therapeutic method for treatment of cancer. It is applied most frequently in combination with chemo-therapy, radio-therapy and other treatments, such as immunotherapy, therapy with dendritic cells etc.

Independently of the other treatment methods, onco-hyperthermia can be a very beneficial method of stimulation of the immune system, which has great contributions in the battle with malignant diseases. Onco-hyperthermia is an adopted medical treatment in all EU countries, USA and all other medically developed countries.

Ionizing radiation is not included in the onco-hyperthermia treatments, which makes this treatment a safe solution for patients, the medical staff, the auxiliary staff and the environment.

In Europe, the onco-hyperthermia treatments are scientifically accepted and approved by the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO).
